I was arranging my excess coin one fine day whereby i suddenly received an inspiration to use coins to buil my own replica of the Petronas Twin Towers. Actually i've always think the building's design are like as if it is being pilled up with multiple giant coins.
Too bad i couldn't pilled up 88 floor due to limited 50cents and 20 cents coin which are more stable. 10 cents coin are not stable when pilled up very high.
Anyway i contribute this magnificent work of art as a birthday gift for my beloved country - Malaysia.

picture taken from thestaronline.
Earlier this year, i came upon a comic book - Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj: His Life Journey Leading to the Declaration of Independence (1903 - 1957) By Eugene Yu.
It's an illustrated cartoon describing our very own "Father" of Malaysia's childhood days to the day Malaysia obtained Independence.
I quite enjoy reading this humorous book and i highly recommend it especially to the younger generation of Malaysian to get to learn our history in a fun and entertaining method.
It describe how our ancestor fought bravely to achieve Independence for our country and we are proud to do it without bloodshed. It also highlighted the importance of the early MCA-UMNO alliance that formed the Barisan Nasional.
Back in those good old days, MCA was a founding parter of BN, nowadays it seems more like MCA is an employee of UMNO. What has happen to this trust and partnership throughout these years?
Some people may say we are lucky to live in a peacefull harmony country so we shouldn't complain about it.
At 53 years old, actually we can do better. I was a bit upset to learn that during the 1970s Malaysia is even more developed than South Korea. But look at us today. Oh well...we don't need to look so far, just a bridge away our neighbour, Singapore. Look how they thrived and developed.
Every country has their own problems, this we cannot compare, but one thing we can compare and one thing that makes the difference is the country's Management. It all comes down to how you allocate and use your country's resources, wisely or wastefully.
This is Houg, signing off and hoping for a better Malaysia.
Happy Birthday, Malaysia~.