ai..., although i don't like to mention this thing tat happen one year ago, but i feel that it is also part of my lesson i learned in life and so i would want to share with you guys.
it happen at 15th January 2006, sunday around 1150am. that time i was inside my house, then i heard someone coming into my house carpark area, so i went out to check it out. there's this guy asking me "ini rumah ping hung kah" (is this ping hung's house? or something like that.) i told him no, then he ask for the time, so took out my handphone and tell him. he seems like didn't heard me, so i show him the screen.
the next second i knew, he just snatch the handphone away and ran! damn. i was like shock for a second but i then i suddenly realize it. i quickly ran after him, (i was still not wearing shoes) when i ran out my gate, i saw that he already went into a kancil with his bloody associate inside waiting at the driver seat already.
but still i continue to ran. and as he close the door, i was able to grab his shirt through the window but they quickly press on the acelarator and ran off! my hand was still grabbing him, not letting go as he struggle to let go of my hand. as the car momentum increased, my hand that was holding him was knocked by the window and the force was so strong that it made fell into the ground like a pumpkin, i've no time to use my hand to land, i landed on the tar road with my body.
again i got shock from the momentum, then i suddenly realize that i didn't see their vehicle plate number! stupid me! i quickly drag myself up, dispite all the pain i received from the bruises to see the number. but unfortunately the car plate was too far already to be seen. damn! i let out a cry of agony and anger.
the neighbour's dog are barking like crazy. damn, if the gate was not close or maybe the door would have go bike the hell of the thief. then i drag myself back to my house and my family of course was suprised to see me having bruises all over the place. this is the first time i got so many wounds on my body, i got bruises on both my knee, wrist,elbow, shoulder and both side of my palm.
i was really very angry during that moment as i would never have expected i would get snatched in front of my house and in broad day light! i was also very angry that i couldn't lay my hands on the thief. if i can, i would surely give him a good lesson and break a few bones to make sure that he cannot steal again. but most of all, i'm also angry that i didn't get to see the vehicle number plate so i would be able to make a police report.
the only way i can think of to calm myself is to think that luckily it happen to me and not my family members. at least i'm the one who got hurt not them. the handphone being snatched away is only 2 weeks old, which is very kek tiok for me also. then for the following week i need to stay at home to wait for my bruises to heal. i even cannot use mouse as it would come to contact with the bruises so i can only sit and watch tv.
aii...this is really a harsh lesson for me. the right action i should have taken is to just let him went off and remember his car plate number to make a police report. i also didn't take a good look at his face as his wearing shaded glassess. but my instinct just tell me to chase that bloody thief and i must grab my handphone back no matter what.
so from this, i've learn that i should be more calm and think rationally next time rather rushing into action without thinking. it's been a year plus since the incident. the scars left from my bruises is still clear around my wrist, which is a constant reminder to me that there's bad guys in this world and that i must always keep alert of my surrounding. and also one should always lock their gate when they are at home.
ar...that was the worst day of my life, so far. but i've learn to live thru it. i don't know whether the thief is still out there or in jail. i hope that he would get punish for what he did. and i hope that it would be the slow and painful type.